How Medical Device Salespeople are Providing More Value to Their OR Staffs
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Medical device salespeople are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to provide more value to the OR staffs they serve. Recently, they have been using technology to improve communication and collaboration. By using advanced apps paired with devices like the iPad, medical device salespeople are better able to educate OR staff on the products they offer. This, in turn, allows them to work more cohesively as a team and ultimately provides a better experience for patients.

That’s one of the great things about having the DinamicOR Back Table Solution and DinamicOR+ Workflow Management App in your sales portfolio – they let you deliver a whole world of value and vastly increased efficiency for your clients in one fell swoop.

Bringing value through the DinamicOR+ Workflow App

The Workflow Management App is an important component of the DinamicOR Back Table Solution because it can store tons of procedural information about operating room layouts, procedures, medical implements and devices, and surgeons’ preferences. All this information can be loaded into the App and then consulted by OR staff members to familiarize themselves with step-by-step procedures, videos showing proper placement of tools and devices, and information about how to prepare for any OR procedure.

When all staff members consult this information source, it leads to uniformity and repeatability, and that can save all kinds of time in the OR, especially when things get chaotic, and time is of the essence.

Another way the Workflow Management App can bring tremendous value to any hospital or healthcare facility is in training and onboarding new staff members. Rather than dedicating an experienced staffer to the education routine, the App can be used to get new staff up to speed rapidly, without sacrificing the productivity of a knowledgeable staffer. That delivers value by avoiding the loss of productivity, as well as by speeding up the time frame in which a new hire can become productive.

Bringing value through the Back Table Solution 

The centerpiece of the DinamicOR Back Table Solution is, of course, the back table itself. The value this brings to an operating room can be priceless and lifesaving – especially when the situation becomes urgent during surgery. With the DinamicOR Back Table Solution, tools are 92 percent fully visible and situated exactly where they are supposed to be, easily retrievable when seconds count. With the help of the Workflow Management App, all instruments can be placed in the same position for every operating room in the facility, which greatly increases repeatability and helps surgical procedures go more smoothly.

When better surgical outcomes can be achieved through consistency and uniformity, any healthcare facility will derive tremendous value from a product.