How the DinamicOR+ Workflow Management App is Doing its Part to Solve Hospital Staffing Problems
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Even before COVID hit, hospitals administrators were constantly juggling a million different tasks and responsibilities, including making sure patients are taken care of, overseeing staff productivity, and managing the budget effectively. It can be hard to keep track of it all, especially now that staffing issues are a HUGE problem.

But luckily, there’s an app for that. The DinamicOR+ Workflow Management App, to be exact.

As part of the DinamicOR Back Table Solution, the DinamicOR+ Workflow Management App is helping hospitals all over the country solve their staffing problems, and it could help yours, too. Here’s how it works: …

Streamlining table setups 

The Workflow Management App is a repository for a great deal of information. It allows staff to map preferred tray layouts for any procedure and then repeat them as needed.

When the surgical staff is setting up the Back table, they only need to consult the app to learn where to place the instruments. The App guides staff through every step of setup. Complex and unfamiliar procedures can be mapped and planned to reduce OR errors.

Standardizing procedural workflows

Staff can reference the predetermined layouts to set up the back table exactly the same every time. The DinamicOR+ App’s guided walkthroughs reduce setup time by up to 33 percent.

By taking this same approach for each of the Back Tables in each of the operating rooms, uniformity of layout can be achieved, and everyone involved will become more efficient in the process.

Onboarding new hires 

The necessity of training new employees generally requires an experienced employee to be taken from their normal duties to instruct the new hire. When you use the Workflow Management App to instruct a new employee, that becomes unnecessary because all hospital procedures can be learned simply by reviewing the App.

What’s more, the new hire can view the App multiple times to gain a solid understanding of the material, which is not always possible when being instructed by a human guide. This allows training to be conducted more efficiently, without taking a valued worker away from his/her position, and the new hire can gain a better understanding of hospital procedures by viewing as often as necessary. Win-win-win-win.

Using the Workflow Management App 

The DinamicOR+ Workflow Management App is a hospital staffing problem solver. It helps hospitals streamline their operating room efficiency by providing an all-inclusive solution that makes life easier for surgical staff. With this App on your side, you can provide more patients better care in less time. What could be better?

Take the first step toward better OR efficiency by contacting us today to set up a demo.