Three Ways the DinamicOR+ Workflow Management App is Transforming Operating Rooms
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As part of the DinamicOR Back Table Solution, the DinamicOR+ Workflow Management App is making a big impact in operating rooms across the country by helping surgical staff streamline their processes to improve efficiencies AND patient care.

The main component of the system, of course, is the customizable Back Table itself, which increases efficiency by making all medical implements easily visible and retrievable.

However, the Workflow Management App that is included as a major element of the system, provides some tremendous efficiencies to your ORs when used to its full capabilities. In this blog, we’re going to discuss some of the ways that your entire facility can benefit by making full use of the Workflow Management App.

 Standardization of procedural workflows

Using the Workflow Management App, you can set up any procedure in the same way every time, ensuring that instruments are always available on-demand, and there are no costly gaps in efficiency during surgery.

All instrument layouts can be loaded into the App and used by staff members to ensure the OR is set up exactly as required and is consistent across all ORs and all cases. Every workflow used in the facility can likewise be contained in the App, so staff members will all be following identical procedures in their daily routines.

Repeatability in table setups

Prearranged layouts can be loaded into the App, so the Back Table is set up the same way for every procedure, and the App provides guided walk-throughs that will allow you to use 33 percent less time for any kind of setup. Preferred tray layouts can be mapped for all procedures, and once these become repeatable, you’ll begin to realize some tremendous efficiencies in the operating room. All this can be especially crucial when it’s necessary to quickly set up an OR for an urgently needed procedure.

Onboarding/educational tool

Given the fact that so much information about your hospital procedures, workflows, instrument layouts, and OR setup can be loaded into the Workflow Management App, it becomes an ideal vehicle for onboarding new staffers. This will save your organization a great deal of time, since critical staff members will not be pulled away to carry out the instruction of new hires, and they can remain productive in their regular duties. Your new staff members can be brought on board more quickly and efficiently using the Workflow Management App, and you won’t lose any time from your already productive employees.

The Workflow Management App can accommodate all the information relative to hospital procedures, so that it can also be used as an educational tool for all staff members, particularly for procedures that are seldom performed. Text and animation can be used to instruct staffers on the step-by-step processes necessary for accomplishing any surgical procedure.

Are you ready to transform your OR?

The DinamicOR+ Workflow Management App has been transforming operating rooms across the country by making them run more smoothly and efficiently. This translates to less stress for doctors, nurses, and staff; better patient outcomes; improved compliance with regulations; happier families; and fewer errors. To learn how this innovative technology can transform your facility, too, we invite you to visit our website at